Here be fairies
The wild weather dropped enough for some venturing out. We headed over to Pressmennan Woods, south of East Linton, for a nice sheltered walk. Along the loch-side walk we found some little fairy houses. We were quiet so as not to disturb the tooth fairy, who has been busy lately and probably needed her sleep. Katherine thought it was like Silky's house in the Magic Faraway Tree (if that means something to you, you won't need a link, if it doesn't, you probably won't be interested!)
I'll put some more shots up on flickr later - it was a really magical place. I'll need to go back with a tripod and better light!
Somehow the light balance on my camera is all messed up and I always need to change it in photoshop (so for example the photoshop 'daylight' setting always looks better for the East Lothian sun than my Nikon 'direct sunlight' option. Maybe it's because I bought the camera in Toronto where the sun is obviously a different temperature!) I know I should change them in the camera but.... well, there's no but really, is there? One day.
Right now the kids are watching Star Wars, Mr B is entertaining me with some cool tunes on the piano, and there's pork belly and roast potatoes cooking away enticingly in the background. I know the cupboard's full of chocolate for later, there's a glass of Cava right by my side and I've even remembered to get the candles out for Earth Hour*.
My white balance my be screwed, but my life balance is feeling very good.
*Actually, we messed up a bit and did earth hour last night. It made a dull movie more atmospheric though, so we'll happily repeat that trial run!
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