Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Peacock Butterfly... Underside...

... Hurrah!
(The first I have seen on the buddleia this year). 
It was the only one around, usually if there is one there are lots on this bush. I was shooting towards the sun in my haste to capture the image. The light was very bright, I haven't altered the image, the buddleia is a pink variety. 

I finished painting the birthday card for a friend. 
I wasn't happy with it (I rarely am). 
Himself is quite handy with a watercolour paintbrush too, but isn't nearly as obsessed dedicated as I am. Occasionally we paint the same subject and I always like his better than mine, yet, when looking back on the work, some months down the line it's weird how I see mine with a different eye and sometimes warm to them. (I suspect the Painting Fairies sneak in and tweak them, unbeknownst..).
Often I can't even remember having done them (!) which is a good reason to initial them. (When I started I deemed it such a pretentious gesture and was too embarrassed to squiggle on them).

On with the mask then, and off to yon Food Shop. 
(How life has changed).

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