Sunflower turning day in the A.O.Gs
The sun came up this morning at five
The flowers they said, “it’s that day let’s hide”
But the Sunflowers knew that it was their turn
And they turned their heads and risked a burn
We are here to show the world that we can
Be strong and positive and move with the sun
Some wilted and flopped in pots and troughs
Others took time to move their mops
And lost the race cos time never stops
So, here is Sunny a brave little soul
The tiniest competitor in this year’s pool
She moved her head so slowly and then
Moved it, moved it and moved it again
She won the gold and is smiling through
All content and quiet and not rhyming or scanning the last line!
Oh dear!
Trust this finds you all well! It's proper boiling here in Norfolk and here is the ONLY sunflower I have managed to grow this year, Sunny. (see photo in extras :))
She asked if she could take part in the games as she had seen all the bees and butterflies joining in. Of course, I said yes, why ever not? So, I trust that the judges will look kindly on her efforts in this marathon event.
Thank you to osuzanna for hosting Tiny Tuesday.
I have got an extra lens for my mobile to take macros and this is its first (and possibly last!!) outing! It is proper fiddle to fix on I tell you! Am tempted to get a mobile that has macro setting on its camera. Any advice welcome peeps!!
Thank you all for your very kind comments on my 200th Blip yesterday and for the hearts and stars!
Today is our 30th Wedding Anniversary as well so Sunny is to celebrate!
Thank you for dropping by :)
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