Small beginnings

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The moss is beginning to flower in the wall, that's a tiny Spring event that hardly anyone notices because it's so small, it's only when you have a macro lens that you put your macro eyes on & see so much. In amongst the moss were tiny white & pink mites too... sounds a little too unthinkable for comfort, but you'd be surprised what's crawling inside the flowers in Spring - esp dandelions! :)

As for you know who:

Saturday with Larry

Mildish day. Food shopping, Cleaned both cars. Someone has dented & black paint scuffed my car, didn't know because it was so dirty, it was only till I got the blanked of green grime off that I noticed. It rains here a lot, so once the cars are washed, they're dirty again, so no-one bothers, esp with all the mud & flooded roads too! But still, not a nice thing to discover. I love my car, at her since I was 17 & she's called Julia & still drives like a dream... :) xxx

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