Another of these

So much to do - little loose ends, mainly, but it still took me so long. And in the morning I’d to attend a one hour meeting about Postcode Lottery funding. I suppose someone in the locality will have some fool idea with what to do with two grand. Like put a sign up to get vandalised.
I did squeeze in a little visit up the road to talk through the music with s-i-l who is going to skilfully bluetooth it, unless that has been judged out of order. And while there I got to take some photos of the wee one who was in very ‘talkative’ mood and who is learning to turn herself onto her side.  
And later, the neighbourhood zoom meeting which I’d been rather dreading as there was the potential of a bit of a ruckus. Which luckily didn’t happen - but perhaps only because one of the combatant’s internet connections was well dodgy. I won’t get away so easily next time.

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