Imps 2 Dartford 1

For those of you who don't know I regularly watch the Mighty Lincoln City FC in the fifth tier of the English League set up. I've been the mascot 'Poacher The Imp' for nigh on 15 years now. Today was another tun of the mill match.

The Imps were victorious today in a game full of energy and endeavour. Vidaine Oliver had put us 1-0 up before I even had a chance to get out of the furry suit, and from there we dominated the first half. After hitting the bar twice and having an effort cleared off the line there came a game changing event. Jake Sheridan (pictured) was adjudged to have left the floor with both feet going into a challenge and subsequently found himself sent off. This is a Dartford thug player 'escorting' Jake from the field. Apparently the blind linesman wanted to get involved as well. After a five minute mass brawl the game resumed. It is sad really because Jake is an honest and fair player and I realy don't think he deserved a red card.

From there we endured 50 minutes of the referee booking pretty much everybody before Dartford upped their game. They equalised with just ten minutes left. the ref then really bucked the trend by actually giving us a penalty (clear cut) which sparked a mass brawl again. When order was resumed Colin Larkin powered home to give the Imps a precious 3 points.

Chant of the day:

We only need ten men, we only need ten men..... (Imps fans to Dartford)

Are you Saville in disguise? (Dartford fans to me before the game)

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