And yes it was delicious. When cooking for the community meal deliveries we team up into 2’s or 3’s for the last hour before sending the food out. Partly to pull all the food together and place into a foil container, an art in its own right, but also for moral support.

Today C was the brave woman who made this, it looked wonderful and we had a sample afterwards with a coffee, it tasted just as good. Friend and neighbour blipper Boomerang lent a pair of steady hands when cutting the pie into even portions and off it went.

The main course was a lamb hotpot, not nearly as photogenic but J and I tested some last night and decided it was good. The lamb was donated from a generous farmer, shoulder of hogget, there was a lot to trim off when preparing the meat but worth the effort.

A lovely hot sunny afternoon, my good intentions to do more strimming have gone by the board, it’s too warm at the moment.

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