
By CosyupwithCathy

A pole apart.

A lovely afternoon with Carol. Lots of fun and laughter including getting stuck in a loop of road works until we found our way out.
To get over the trauma we decided to go for an ice cream but Carol couldn’t remember how to get there. Googling not possible as both phones were in the boot of the car.
Fabulous ice cream with this interesting method for contactless payment. Machine in clip on long pole pushed out through window. Clever!
I haven’t managed to drip/wear/make so much mess with an ice cream since I was a child. It even dripped out the bottom of the cone. Loved it.
Stuck in a queue on the way home as half of the road closed due to a breakdown on the narrowest bit. We even went off piste to avoid the queue but got it wrong and rejoined several hundred yards further down.
It’s good to know that our first trip out since Lockdown has proved that our normal excursions with nothing in mind are still as chaotic and laughter filled as they used to be.

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