I have feet!!!

When I first saw my feet after surgery I looked as though I was wearing big pink wellies. I only needed handles on the sides to be in business.
The swelling is excess fluid from the op, which was used to perfuse my brain whilst the plumbing was done and Bertha 95 joined the ends of my aorta.

I was told that I would be about 5kgs heavier with the fluid and the nurses weighed me daily to monitor the progress in getting rid of it. I was 77.6 kgs on day 5 post op and today weigh 71.6 kgs.

My feet are much less swollen but the fluid gets in to the system at night when in bed with my feet up. This means many more visits to the loo.

Last night was very disturbed, but the less swollen feet this morning was a reward. Progress is being made !!!

My flowers have all been arranged and well watered. I did have to buy an extra vase via ‘that company that delivers next day’. As I discovered that when we moved I had a clear out!!!!

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