
By Mindseye

White hot

Boy has it been another hot n humid day!!!
Slept ok, but woke early, already feeling the heat! I went down to make us a cuppa early.

Pleased to report no problems with my tooth, well, the lack of it :-/

Breakfast was just fruit & yogurt......then we had a walk into town. Shorts & vest top only today, so warm, at least 30 degrees. We popped into Costa and had an iced latta, which was really nice! After collecting hubs prescription from Boots hub decided to have a sandwich in Reds for lunch.... omlette for me, easier to eat ;-)

The walk home was stifling.......after a quick change, we got our reading material & headed straight for the seats under the shade of our arbour. At least 10 degrees cooler under there, heaven! We stayed put for an hour or so......then did a little bit of cutting back which filled the green bin, being emptied tomorrow. We were wet through again after just 15 mins exertion! Treated ourselves to a cold iced coke.....then the thunder started rumbling around, so we were hopeful of some rain!!

I grabbed todays garden blip just in case the heavens opened......I really love these white anemones! Thunder kept rumbling overhead.... there was one almighty thunderclap, after dinner, which literally shook the house.....and that was that, no rain & no lightening!

Dinner was the remainder of the leek & potato soup I made, with a ham sandwich.... we couldnt face anything cooked.

Tonight is still really oppressive, its just started to rain.....Ive been stood outside in the garden, the rain didn't even feel cool as it landed on me! More thunder just now, some lightening too, so hopefully this might clear the air a little, otherwise its going to be a very uncomfortable night!

Hope your all safe & cool ;-)

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