
3years 111days

Mummy is starting adult ballet class in a weeks time, and today we went to buy my shoes (although now I've checked my sizing, I wont be buying them from the shop in the future - internet all the way!) so we had to have a photo together, so we felt. Katie was really excited going to get Mummy ballet things. She told me that I needed tights, and a black costume, because thats what big girls wear. When I told her I wasnt wearing a costume she said "well do you want a white tutu then?" and was sad when I told her I wouldnt be wearing one of those either!

She had a really lovely time at ballet today - she was leader for some things again today. Her and Isla, with Isabelle and Kita were being rather excitable. They had lots of fun!

We went into town after dancing, to buy my shoes, a present for this afternoon's party and to get a babyccino in the re-opened and refurbished babyccino shop. But it was jam-packed as apparently everyone else wanted to do the same!

She had a friend from nursery's party at the leisure centre. Shortly before we left, she went to her room to choose some clothes. She came back in a sleepsuit. She was adamant that was what she wanted to wear. So she did, with a skirt and boots. The party itself was a very simple concept - about 10 large soft play pieces, but it worked extrememly well. They had a brilliant time. A game of musical statues (which Katie and Brooke thought was musical bumps and lost immediately) and a game of musical bumps (during which of course they attempted to paly musical statues) and then tea. Happy children.

The party was in the building that also holds the swimming pool so she went straight to that. Shes' having fun in class because she's with her friend Eleanor, but I'm finding it increasingly frustrating on her behalf. She needed toilet part of the way through and after I took her back to the pool, she set out swimming to her instructor, underwater. He told her off and told her to walk along, holding the side. She went back under and swam on and he said it again. I appreciate that they have to be able to safely manage a class - but its a class of three and he was calling her to him directly, so was watching her. Just a touch frustrating that she's perfectly able to swim but is being put on a woggle which she battles against when she's competent without, and can do better technique without. Rant over!

She's done some brill pages in her pencil-control book - at her request - since we got home, and is wrapped in a blanket, looking soooo nearly asleep!

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