The Violin Player

The Violin Player by Raphael

from the old book of Rome.

What a difference in weather, the sky is trying to be sunny this morning. Going to be hot and humid.

Yesterday such a dark morning with howling wind, dark skies and near 2 inches of rain. I wore a cowboy hat when carrying bags of packages to post office so my glasses wouldn't get wet. I don't have 3 arms. I didn't think of my shoes and they got soaked through.

Last night I went out on balcony after dark to get some fresh air and look at the stars. They were just coming out. I noticed an odd shaped blob on the hanging jelly feeder. Not a bird or moth, what is it? I went to get a flashlight to have a better look. the blob had 2 eyes, it was a frog! How the heck did it get out on that hanging feeder, and why? Do they like jelly? Maybe they like to eat the bugs that like the jelly?

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