Entertaining and educational

Since the 14th April, our local NGO - Birdlife South Africa has embraced the new virtual reality that the world finds itself in thanks to the restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

They have been presenting weekly webinars - Conservation Conversations - that are very impactful and extremely interesting, covering a range of conservation topics.

These have included amongst others, the following:
   - Kimberley's Pink Gems, conserving the Lesser Flamingo,
   - White-winged Flufftail conservation, three decades of saving one of Africa's rarest species,
   - Avitourism in South Africa,
   -The Albatross Task Force. a multi-faceted approach to seabird conservation,
   -New horizons for African Penguins, creating new colonies.

If of interest, the whole series is available on Birdlife South Africa's Youtube channel.


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