ArcLight and Alf

A murky mizzly day but I really needed the 4.5 miles up on the moor. The Heather is out but not quite at its best - no honey smell.

Blipper ArcLight and Alf called in on their way home from Norfolk. I had promised a light meal and tried to be creative with the garden produce. We had chilled avocado and cucumber soup with freshly baked cheese and garlic scones, then mustardy potatoes, a salad niscoise, and various types of courgettes - in salad with pear and Parmesan and grilled with feta.

Their visit was all too short but the direct route home for them was impassable due to a landslide on the A68 so they’d have to cut across country from Wooler to Berwick and go via A1.

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