All the little bits

Today I did all the little bits I have been meaning to do for years like sewing on poppers and buttons. And gluing together glasses which met an unfortunate fate when the nut tried them on.

I also went into town to get some denim (dolly flares
are not easy to come by. So my mother has been notified). And a book for mr nut. The sales girl was rather lovely 'I need an anatomy book for a 4 year old. I don't think they make them so any kids book without a cross section of a penis in will do because I really think boys need to be a certain maturity before they can cope with that, and most of them never get there' (you see, dr ranj got the nut very interested in lungs, and so I showed him lungs in my anatomy book)

We found a nice usbourne 'inside me' book which has lift up flaps. Mr nut devoted most of the rest of the day studying his volume, alternating between me, Jim and just reading it over and over. Though the lungs have very much taken second place to his study of the digestive system, as the last flap opens to reveal a poo, which is frankly hilarious.

'Daddy' says mr nut at the dinner table 'the food goes down my food pipe, into my stomach'

'Congratulations' replies Jim, 'you are now cleverer than some of the children I teach. Who can pronounce neither 'food pipe' nor 'stomach'. Well done'

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