Local history

Dropped something off at a friends today and spotted these three memorial stones in the wall of what is now houses, but in 1898 when it was opened was East Lees Hall, seemingly the Village Institute complete with a reading room, gymnasium and billiards room. 

Edwin R (14 Feb 1849-27 jan 1904) and George (16 aug 1835- 5 Apr 1905) Merrall were brothers, each part of the Mill owning family of Haworth and Cross Roads. Their ancestral home, Longlands HAll is now Haworth’s Youth Hostel. Prince Smith (1840-1922) was part of the company founded in 1795 which later became Prince Smith and Son, and then in 1931 Prince-Smith and Stells. My mum worked for them in the 1950’s. They were Textile machinery manufacturers.

One of my very earliest memories was not being taken to see the Lees Sykes (Merralls) Mill on fire but my elder sister going. (I’m told it was because I was in the bath getting ready for bed!). Wonder if it was my destiny to marry a firefighter?!

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