End of an Era

A trip over to the boat to fetch it over to the pontoon - with the SK along. And we meet a jovial German called Matthew, newly arrived from the Wadden Sea after sailing across single handed. Hearing of our upcoming event (how could he not?), he remarks, it’s not too late! How we laughed.
And then the nippers arrived for lunch; the first meet since before the covid descended upon us all. And later we met them again. As they’re veggies we’d decided we take them to that old Edinburgh vegetarian institution, The Kalpna. It clearly wasn’t their fault that the place was deserted, but it wasn’t a patch on the place we both remembered so fondly.  But we still had a fine time -  with much discussion of rewilding which has fired young H’s imagination.
And then a bit more covid news - quarantine for the Netherlands. Booger.
OK, that’s bachelordom over! Time to settle down…. 

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