Am I Late?

Well, yes you are.  This is Day 12 of the AOG and you're just now showing up?  Oh, but you're so cute, we forgive you.

Unlike yesterday,  everyone showed up today.  There were sly remarks aimed at those who were both slightly late and very late.  For the record,  here's a list of the competitors who attended the games today:
          Stellar's Jays
          Canada geese
          The neighbor's cat (spectator only),
          and yes, the osprey

The jays were running relays, both ground and air, and handily took medals in all events.  Their behavior almost got them in trouble on several occasions though.  Three of them tried to bully Sylvie Squirrel by lurking behind her as she attempted the 2-Peanut Carry.  (See Extra) She was not intimidated and went on to compete in the 3-Peanut Carry where she earned a Silver Medal.  The threat of disqualification was enough to shut the Jays up.  Sylvie did not file a formal complaint.

Other events of note featured a race with the Beavers (2) but both were disqualified for swimming in different directions.  The Canada geese, led by Team Captain Gloria of course, did some exhibition gliding but mostly stayed out of the way. 

The Kingfishers made more noise than anything else.  The crows chose to fly a dangerous course, ferrying as many peanuts as possible to the finish line across the water without dropping any in the water.  They all succeeded and then proceeded to squabble over who should be where on the podium. 

 Like the neighbor's cat, the deer were quiet spectators and left early when they got bored.  

The osprey did a fly-by to start the day and the heron did one to finish it off.  Ever the dramatist, he waited until the sun was setting for the proper lighting effect and all cameras had been put away. 

I don't know what tomorrow's closing ceremony will bring.  They'll probably all stay out of sight, but your intrepid reporter will be on hand just in case someone shows up.  

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