Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2072. DAL Airlines Bag!

I guess I should have saved this until Silly Saturday as it reminded me of the sort of thing our sadly missed Admirer would have liked.  As those of you who follow my journal probably know, I am a huge fan of Nintendo’s Animal Crossing games and recently they did a wee offer to use some earned points to buy this special DAL shopping bag.  It was a nightmare to order because having successfully redeemed my points their web site fell over and as I only had 48 hours to use the points I was a little annoyed.  They did manage to sort it within the 48 hours (just) so I did manage to order one and it arrived this week.  It’s actually rather substantial and a lot less flimsy than I thought a free bag would be so I’m pleasantly surprised.  DAL stands for Dodo Airlines (I know it’s very silly!) as there are two Dodo characters (Wilbur and Orville - you know what that’s a nod to!) who manage the little airport and fly the float plane you get to gad about on.  Hours of lockdown were wiled away playing this game as you can imagine.
The youngest didn’t get much to do on his birthday but I spoke to him after work and he sounded fine...

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