
By tpd

it's time

Off to the NMS on Chambers Street today as +2/3 is doing a project on Ancient Egypt. What a fantastic place! So much to look at, plenty of space for the children to run around and a giraffe. We were there for the Millenium clock going off at midday... it looks like the grim reaper has come for the people watching.

"The Nave holds a pendulum with a skeletal death figure straddling a convex mirror. Distorted figures of Lenin, Hitler and Stalin act as a reminder of the worst aspects of the twentieth century. But there is celebration of better times, too, with a playground of animated characters, including a Chaplin-like figure."

edit: the EXIF is wrong (manual lens, I didn't bother setting it correctly). 200mm on a 35mm lens, handheld and sharp (enough). In-body shake reduction? Yes thanks.

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