
By Fiordilecce

I see you!

I was quite sure to have a lovely snowy blip for today, since I was supposed to go skiing with some friends that I haven't seen in ages (ages being at least 2 years). Was super dooper excited about it, the day was going to be fuuuuun!
the person who was supposed to take me in her car to go there finally decided this morning that she didn't want to go. Because it was cold, and there was snow. No really? You plan on going skiing but you don't want the cold nor the snow?!? Of course, she warned me just too late, when all the other cars were long gone (we were the lazy ones, going a bit later). So I stayed home, thoroughly mad, extensively upset and highly furious. It took me half of the day to calm down and be able to do something constructive with my day. But this didn't include any inspiration for blipping I'm afraid...
Love to you all!

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