
By stellarossa

Hengistbury Head

What a fabulous day trip to Dorset with Heather and furry friend Flo. It was supposed to rain all day but we chanced it and in fact although it was cloudy, it was warm and dry.

Flo loved jumping in the sea, but Juno is still not convinced by water, especially water that moves. She’s getting bigger but is still super cute and got lots of complements and attention, which she loved being such a social little pup. The dogs also got to try doggy ice cream which went down a treat. Both were asleep within a few minutes of getting in the car for the journey home.

Tom got back late after a double shift at the Swindon Covid testing centre. They are pretty busy and short-staffed as many working there were on furlough from their regular jobs and are now going back, more testing is good I guess...but I do wonder what the autumn and winter will bring.

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