Five things

By fivethings

This is it

1. Our place is in a pretty cool area and we discover the art school not too far away. The whole place is in housed on the site of an old factory, all red brick and round windows. In daylight, the sign on top of the roof catches our eye.

2. We haven't set foot over the door of a museum or gallery. We haven't taken an excursion. We haven't even seen an open topped bus. We've just been walking.

3. Today our walk included Ibsen and Munch's grave's but only by fluke. The best bit was the street we found ourselves on with the camper van reversing down it at a crazy angle.

4. At the end of that lovely wee street we found another park and an old fire station to have a coffee and waffle with jam. There is, we decide, a moment when you discover a city, feel something about it, find your own place in it.

5. This is it.

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