Family Dog

By Family_Dog

My Girl

My friend Tracy asked if Arlo would like to go to theirs for a sleepover today to hang out with his good pal Struan. Arlo was delighted. He's always really chuffed when he gets invited to do something that's 'just for him'.

This meant I got to spend most of the day with just wee Ida. With the rushing of life all around us I hadn't noticed how much I needed a bit of quiet time with my wee girl. It was amazing. We had so much fun.

Normally I describe her as Ida the Terrible - she can be quite shouty and demanding - but I hadn't quite twigged that she's probably like that because she's got Arlo around sucking up all the attention with his superior (to her) mobility and communication skills. Given the time and space, she is calm, relaxed and confident enough to try out words that she hasn't previously.

When Arlo's around she goes nuts if you don't work out what she's saying within 1 or 2 goes. She hits herself in the face, throws things, hits me - it's full on. Today, because I had the time, when she started to get frustrated I said to her 'calm down, let's work it out' and she did - she calmed down, she pointed to things, she indicated areas in the house and did her usual, lovely (but frustrating) tone talking (de-de-dee, for example - which clearly means Christmas Tree) and bloody hell! We got there in the end! Amazing.

I'm 39 and my 21 month old baby teaches me new things about life every day. It's not just the little things like 'cool the pasta before serving it', it's the great, big mahoosive life lessons.

Thought that was my job?

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