The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Washed Out

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Our dishwasher gave up at the end of last week and it’s 10 days until the our new one will be delivered and fitted. It’s a good thing for family harmony that we don’t have to wait too long.

The Prince doesn’t see the point of doing washing up for the sake of a plate and a cup when he has breakfast which drives The Youngest Mini Princess crazy. Today she washed her own breakfast dishes and left The Prince’s in the sink!

The Mini Princesses consider a dishwasher to be an essential appliance. They are going to get such a shock when they live in student accommodation. There was always one person who NEVER did their dishes. The same person inevitably seemed to use every pot and kitchen utensil for cooking and then pile them up in the sink or leave them to soak. For days. The joys of eating with a spoon because all the forks were lying in the bottom of the sink which was half filled with manly grey water. Actually, maybe a dishwasher is essential. Mainly for mental health!


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