Balgray bathers

I think this blip has a mild impressionist air about it. They were bathers, not swimmers - a small group of the serious ones right out in the middle of the reservoir not in the photo. Later in the day there were reports of people being terrorised by reeds in the water and it is easy to see how folk panic and drown. I gather these weeds are not dangerous - unless you panic, and the tactic is to continue swimming gently which allows you to gently untangle. The worst thing to do, apparently, is to tread water which would the natural inclination for a lot of people.
Spent the evening planning the next stage of the West Highland Way which will be from Inveranan to Tyndrum, a relatively straightforward stretch of around 12 miles with convenient buses at both places. Will wait for a reasonably good weather day, provisionally Wednesday, will need to shift shopping duties.

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