
Asha came with me to look after Tiago today. He was less of a happy bunny having been up playing since 4am! Alessio & Elena we’re incredibly kind to Asha. Home and Stephen was still around, lovely to sit and have a coffee with him.
Letesia came over late afternoon - lovely to go for a drink with her. Danny split off to go up to Sa Penya and Letesia took me and the kids out for tea as a celebration for a good couple of weeks for her work wise! Sooo kind! We spotted this yacht with a helipad as we walked to the little pizza place. A quick phone snap to send to my uncle.
Home and she stayed over here, so it was lovely to chat the evening away over a mint tea - wild, haha!

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Alessio & Elena’s kindness to Asha.
2) Stephen’s kindness to Nate.
3) Letesia’s kindness to us.

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