Hot chocolate

Who would have thought at the start of the week that it would be hot chocolate by the end of the week!

Wonderful first today. The eldest and i went out for a run together, he was so excited about it and wonderful way to start the day. Same again tomorrow apparently. 

Hair cut for me today. Super pleased with the result, less pleased to have waited 6 weeks to see a specific hair dresser only to turn up and be told he had left - and that I should have been called. I was also there for three and a half hours, which was very annoying as I was kind of needed back home.

We all needed to get out this afernoon, so it was a trip up to the wood, the go-to afernoon out. 

Today I'm grateful for:
The husband coming to get me when it started raining (I'd been looking forward to walking back, until it started raining)
Morning run with the eldest, very special

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