Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Sizzle Crack Boom

3:40 something in the a.m....

Me:  Why are you still up?
He:  Oh I'm so glad you're awake, you have to come see this electrical storm, it's been going on since about 2.

And that was that, it just kept going and going, strike after strike.  Some of the thunder cracks made the plates and glasses in the kitchen rattle on their shelves and car alarms went off in the street.  By 8 a.m. it was still rumbling.  This afternoon a few more rumbles.  Hopefully this amazing display hasn't set off too many wildfires but it's a tinder-box so...  Some of the bolts were so near it was like daylight for a second.  Amazing.  Amazed the iPhone kept up as well as it did. 

Early bed tonight.  93ºF.

PG&E starting rolling blackouts this week.

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