{the blackbird sings}

By blackbirdsings

The Dandy Painter

Today, I spent the late afternoon/evening with my ex-boyfriend. ( Don't ask...ok, you can ask: we're basically still friends and we get along really well. Plus we have a cat together and I have visiting rights. :D )
Anyway, after going out for a while we went back to his (which used to be mine...are you following this?) and we had a takeaway-pizza-and-TV evening. It was fun, and also great to just relax after a busy week.
My old studio is at his place, and even though I don't use it anymore because my new studio is currently at my mum's place, for my upcoming show I have to work on a huge 100x100cm canvas and so I'll be using the old studio to work on this piece. The new studio is just too small to work on pieces of this size.

So tonight, before the pizza and telly, I decided to spend 45 minutes making a start on the big painting. I want the foreground of the new piece to be textured, so I applied the textured base coat of black acrylic paint.
I was kind of dressy today, in a nice skirt, with my polka dot scarf in a bow around my neck and everything. So I had to cover-up with an old apron in order to work on the piece for a few minutes. That's when I took this photo. It made me smile because the contrast of the smart, almost Dandy-ish* clothes with the tatty old apron is kind of nice. So it's my Blip for today.

* Actually, can women be Dandy-ish? I'm not sure, but if they can, then I certainly am.

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