The second half of life..

By twigs


Since the boundary fence got blown over a few weeks ago, it's been on the cards to also attend to the l-o-n-g overdue fix of part of the front fence.  Having bought all the materials last week it was 'simply' a case of get-out-there-and-get-it-done.  And today that's what I did.  It's hardly the Great Wall of China but it was a monumental achievement for me - my first ever solo fence build :)  Feeling very chuffed.

In COVID news, there are 9 new cases today, all community transmissions.  This brings our total active cases to 78.  Fingers crossed the potentially exponential explosion in cases is being kept at bay.

A consequence of the second outbreak however is a change to our General Election which has been put back a month to allow this wave to (hopefully) pass.  Fingers crossed a month is enough time......

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