Little president

This wildling started with his childminder this morning. He was that excited he woke at 1.30 am to ask if it was time to go. She has known him since he was born and they have such a lovely connection and relationship with each other that to him it's his other mummy. And he says that I'm his real mum but she's his other mum. But I love the fact that he can have that time with her and all the other children she has and it's just his time. He gets time away from the other wildlings, and he really does need that . He needs that space and time to grow . He needs a place to play freely and not have it controlled. Being a sibling of a child who has autism is difficult at times. Xander tries to control the play when they're together. It's not that he does it on purpose but his brain tells him it has to be a certain way, and he expects everyone to play that way. Well Lincoln came back home with a blackberry and apple crumble he had made and it was delicious.

Xander is going to school for a full day tomorrow and is even going to try their lunch and not take a packed lunch. This is a massive deal. And it will just be myself, Harp and the Jedi at home for most of the day .

I cleared more of our path that runs alongside our fence today , and if the weather is good tomorrow I will take the two wildlings up to our neighbours and do theirs. My wildlings love her. She's the granny to all the children in our street. I am very blessed to live where I do. And I know all the neighbours. Well except one. But they are in the process of moving into their house.

It's been a lovely day.

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