Two steps forward...

By stevvi

"Dawn Star"

Another early start saw me at Thorpe Bay beach for sunrise as the forecast looked promising. I decided not to take my full camera bag out onto the mud as I have sciatica type symptoms which get worse when I walk, so I just went with the 15-35mm. The sunrise was muted, but I did find the “Dawn Star” (I’m not sure if the full name is “Jamaican Dawn Star”) in all it’s Rasta glory which more than made up for any lack of colour in the sky :) Due to my back/leg pains I didn’t spend much time taking photos or going for my usual low down viewpoint for these types of shot, but I reckon this one is a decent record of the scene :)

In more important matters, Em has now received her final grades… A*, A, A… which is what was required to get her into Queen Mary University in London to do medicine. Hopefully the offer is still there after the government induced farce over the results. No matter what happens from here, I am much relieved and absolutely chuffed to bits for her… just reward for years of hard work :)

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