
By Beewriter

Name the Film

Name the film number 6.

Well the snow that was forecast didn't arrive, it is pouring down instead. I won't be going outside anyway, whatever the weather, as I still feel ill. My ribs feel as though I've been hit with a truck and an evil person sandpapered my throat overnight.

I decided the best I could do today was a plasticine film, I can stay curled up on the sofa and the dough is very malleable in my hot, feverish hands. The last one was very easy so I thought I would go for something harder, it has not turned out as I planned and I'm afraid I have very little patience today so this will have to do.

I had wanted to go into town today to watch the dragon dance in Albert Square for Chinese New Year, so not only do I feel ill I also feel hard done by. I had better see if there is a cheery film on before I drown in this pit of despondency :(

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