Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Gilbert White but not snowdrops

It is 'Snowdrop Weekend' at Gilbert White's house in Selborne, so I set out for the obligatory snowdrop shot this morning. Well I guess I shouldn't complain because we don't have snow like so many of you, but goodness, did it rain. In fact, snow might have been rather fun, but wet and grey were hopeless, added to which it was muddy, slippery and my camera was in danger of exploding in the wet (growl moan mutter). And looking at the BBC weather site it's going to be the same next weekend so I guess that could be it for this year.

Anyway, all not lost as I went into the museum instead, and what a lovely house it is! I did ask if I could take photos and the lovely lady at the till said 'no', which I guess makes me a very bad person, but what's a blipper to do? This is a pic taken in GW's study. All great men should have a good study and this is one of the nicest. It felt cosy and concentrated and I loved the slope of the roof and the red paint. His desk (behind me) had a stuffed gull sitting on it and a very enviable green wine glass and was littered with papers and candlesticks and paraphenalia.

For those of you who don't know (and why should you) the Rev Gilbert White was a pioneering 18th century naturalist whose The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne was published in 1789 and has never been out of print.

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments yesterday on my 300th. I, too, wish I still blipped everyday, and perhaps sometime I will again, though not yet. Even now, though, blip is a very important part of my life and you are lovely people xx

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