Self Portrait
Following on from yesterdays long exposure shot I thought I'd experiment and take it a bit further today by using 2 filters blocking a total of 16 stops of light. The location could have been better but unfortunately my dodgy back meant I couldn't walk far so settled for the bridge over to Two Tree Island as it was easy to get to, even if it doesn't make for the best photo. Faced with a very average shot I did what any self-respecting person would do and made it mono and whacked up the contrast! :))
For information, I've added the original, with no adjustments apart from "Auto" in ACR, as I know some of you are interested in whether these Kase filters have a colour cast. Obviously at full frame, 15mm, stacking 2 of them restricts the view a little but I think the colour is OK.
Edit: Extras removed to make space!
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