
By ayearinthelife

Old Friends

...and they don’t come much older than this lot!!!
With that sort of joke you can tell we’re in pantomime territory here. Our society usually puts on three shows a year - Panto in January, a play in June and a musicals based show in August.
Whilst we managed Panto without a problem this year, all the other projects fell by the wayside for obvious reasons. But we are now approaching the time of year when we would start rehearsing next January’s Panto, and with recent easing of the lockdown it was felt we should at least get together to read through the script.
Fully sanitised and socially distanced, with scripts either printed at home or downloaded to the electronic device of your choice, it was just so good to be able to meet up again and be silly. The script was the usual pantomime fare of bad jokes, soppy songs and slapstick and there were many laughs as we worked our way through - mainly at each other’s expense, it must be said, rather than it being inherently funny!!
Whether we will actually be able to put on a pantomime in January - and in what format - is very much unknown at the moment. Best case scenario is that Boris’s prediction of “back to normal by Xmas” comes true and we can perform as in previous years. Worst case is that it can’t go ahead at all and any work we put in would be wasted. In between those extremes there are a myriad of possibilities, depending on what the Covid guidelines are at the time.
All we can do is keep rehearsing in the hope some sort of performance is possible. At the very least, I get to meet up with a great bunch of people on a regular basis - something that has definitely been lacking over the last few months.

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