New fly mask

I thought he was going to go nuts when I put it on but I told him beforehand what it was for and he accepted it fine. Jack and Lime got one too. Lime was eating his tea when I put it on so he wasn't bothered. Jack was a little unsure. Hope they are all still on them tomorrow and not lost or ripped in the field as they weren't cheap.

Jack and Lime had the dentist today as well. Both had very sharp back teeth like Buddy did. Both were last done by the vet at the end of Feb. She said Limes back teeth (elevens) had not been touched in a long long time. He had ulcers on the inside of his cheek where the sharp edges were hurting him. I feel so bad for him and annoyed as well that he's not been done properly previously. She said all 3 of them had great teeth at the front but all three had bad back teeth so they've just had a rush job on the easy to get to teeth. Lime was arguing a bit about having them done but she was very patient and eventually he seemed to realise she was there to help and just relaxed.

Jack was so good to have his done but she had to do quite a bit so he needs today off to recover. They were also very one sided so she didn't touch his left hand side at all. I remembered after that the horse whisperer said his teeth were uneven and he couldn't close his jaw properly!!

Other than that I've spent much of the day sorting out my chest of drawers. I have way too many clothes and since I'm either at the stables or dog walking I don't wear half of it. I keep far too many old worn out things to wear to the yard. But no one needs 20 odd t-shirts to ride in do they?! Or six pairs of old jeans to walk dogs in? I still have clothes from about 15 years ago so at least I'm being environmentally conscious by wearing them out but still ....

I have started to feel a little overwhelmed by stuff. We have so much to get rid of that we don't need anymore (four pairs of curtains we don't need- one pair was from Toby's room we took down 2 years ago!!). I've tried to freebay a few things but people are generally quite shit about turning up to collect which is frustrating. But a lot of stuff is too good to just chuck, it's just surplus to our requirements so I'd rather things went to people who can use them and because I still like the stuff or have memories attached to it, I'm finding it difficult. We need to be much much stricter about what comes into the house from now on!! We are bursting at the seams!!

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