
Cynhaeaf ~ Harvest

Cynhaeaf = cyn+gaeaf, literally 'before winter'

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Rydyn ni'n meddwl bod yr afalau yn barod.  Mae'n eithaf cyfleus oherwydd mae'n golygu ein bod ni'n gallu casglu nhw, eu didoli a'u storio cyn i ni fynd ar ein gwyliau. Mae llawer o ffrwythau gyda ni - afalau, gellyg, grawnwin a chwins.  Yn gobeithio y byddan ni'n casglu popeth yr wythnos hon.

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We think the apples are ready. It's quite convenient because it means we can collect, sort and store them before we go on holiday. We have lots of fruit - apples, pears, grapes and quinces. Hopefully we will collect everything this week.

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