Celebration Charlie Day 2!

Furlough Day 130, 21.08.20

2 years ago today, I re-homed this cheeky minx, and this year moved house with her....  She's still quite the cheeky, yet nervous cat that she was before, see here!

Although she's been quite poorly with pancreatitis recently she can still purr for England. Since we've moved house - she loves to jump on my lap unexpectedly and another new one for her, she's quite the agile cat bouncing all over the fences, which is great for a 12 year old cat!

And she's just chased the previous owners cat out of the cat flap!!  Its going to be one of those days...

Its an indoor blip today though.  Its horrendously windy outside and now pouring with rain (and I need to go shopping, just why did I put it off yesterday???

Happy re-homing day Charlie Girl!

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