
By Lizian

art blip

Sunday afternoon - day off - rain and cloud and cold meant no long walk outside today - so we took ourselves into the city and headed for Nottingham Contemporary.

Enjoyed the exhibition of John Newling's work -

John Newling lives in Nottingham where he is currently Emeritus Professor of Installation Sculpture at Nottingham Trent University. In 1985 he was awarded the first Fulbright Fellowship in Visual Art and he has installed works across Europe and the USA. His large scale public artworks include major commissions for the Post Office and The Inland Revenue.

John Newling is a pioner of public art with a social purpose. John's work has been widely exhibited in the UK and abroad for many years. As a professor at Nottingham Trent University he has influenced the development of Nottingham's vibrant young art scene. His work is constantly inventive in its choice of materials, processes and locations. John's work is a meditation on the various values we share: social, spiritual, economic and ecological.

Great works and a great space to wander round and contemplate the pieces of work by this great man.

All in all - very nice way to spend a sunday afternoon.

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