Not another drawing;-)))

A early blip for me today. I have been awake since half two this morning. Xander woke with a sore tummy , and after making up the sofa's in the lounge I couldn't fall back over . The good thing is he was his usual self when he woke this morning. I kept him off school anyway.

He has had a very difficult day emotionally. And that will be because he was up through the night and I kept him at home. We haven't been able to run around outside either today because of the wild wild weather. But we have played some game's together, nana came round for a while , and we have had some down time . I took the opportunity and finished off my owl. He needs a name .

My apologies that I don't always reply back to your comments on my blip I feel that some day's are crazy busy.

The wildlings will be getting dinner soon and then bath and fingers crossed a early night. Mr R should be home for a decent time tonight so I'm hoping to get a early night for me too.

Have a lovely weekend my friends. X

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