Today’s view

From the settee. The only change is the presence of my laptop.

An increase in the number  of hours sleep over the night and late morning ....good.

Jobs for today. Supervise B ironing the sheets that were washed last Sunday and have been draped over the banister since. I’m not yet allowed to wield heavy items and our iron is a ton weight!!! The job kept dropping off B’s to do list, but not off mine!!!!

My challenge was to finish off clearing out all the old emails on my laptop. It was on the ‘lockdown list’, but didn’t make it to the top. By now there were 3000+ of mostly rubbish or no longer relevant messages, but some important enough to file. I use my phone and iPad on a daily basis so see what’s coming in and keep them under control!!!

I need to do this on a monthly basis in future!!!

Cullen skink for tea, my Mum’s favourite recipe for ‘poorly’ people, it made everything and everyone better, and then a session in front of the TV .....improving my gardening skills. 

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