Urban Colour

Didn't mange my race yesterday, earache and dizziness and the arrival home of daughter for a the weekend and the trip was off. Still managed a 17mile road run, so clearly wasn't as ill as I headlined things. Oh and i didn't blip - i find the odd day not blipping is a kind of exposure therapy for my obsesive trait.

Dropping B off in Leeds for the journey back to Newcastle I made a little detour to blip my old student house. I spent my final 3 student years, happy years in a terrace in the Hyde Park area of Leeds, an all male household, it could get a bit daft, the dinning room doulbed as a football picth in the winter and a cricket pitch in the summer- needless to say there were glazing incidents. Residents of this house were known as the Norsemen, and we are often still referred to as such today. We used to have a sign outside above the front door (another glasing incident - great save by the goalie) namng the hosue The Slatvian Embassy, we'd send each other postcards on holiday simply addressed to The Slatvian Embassy, Leeds, England and they all arrived, we'd probably get investigated by the antiterrorist squad these days. Looking back on it, it was bascially a slum, it all looks a bit smarter these days, still down at heel, but way smarter.

I didn't blip the house in the end but on this grey of grey days was wowed by the colour from the garage 2 doors down. The other garages on the road were unimaginative graffiti so this brought the garden into the back to backs.

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