
By carliewired


Food and drink are such
a wonderful distraction
in a pandemic

~ carliewired

With so many days spent at home, I have focussed attention on meals, beverages and snacks. I suppose it's been a good thing. Home-cooked meals are always best. I plan, I shop, I cook. I find delicious recipes online to try out. My refrigerator is stuffed to over-flowing. My pantry is full. 

I have developed a love of meatballs. I make them in all kinds of ways. My favourites have luscious sauce or gravy. My crockpot gets a workout once or twice a week. These Swedish meatballs are a huge favourite. Of course, one must have mashed potatoes to go with them! 

I start my day with coffee. I do get lazy there sometimes. I have these little packages that one adds water to and stirs. This one is a cappuccino. Not a bad substitute for the real thing!

Now, I have two little notebooks that are packed full of tempting recipes. I make notes on them when I try them out. I keep track of my substitutions and alterations. I never had time for any of this when I was working for a living. 

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