With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I'd had slightly baleful looks from the boys as they drove off, leaving me on the doorstep with a billion things still to do.

Before we knew it, we were being whisked in a Scouse taxi at top speed to AKHF and mv's. Lamb stew and a warm bed followed by..

A full on day in the mist. We started at the Anglican Cathedral, calling in at St George's (but only the cells and courthouse as the rest is being set up as Narnia), The Walker, then down to Liverpool 1, some Spanish relaxants, book shopping, a substitute drug for me (watch this space) and then we regrouped. Mike and I went to FACT to see the brilliant Lincoln, followed by dinner at the Italian Club Fish and quick walk up the hill to the Philarmonic and home exhausted. Excellent! Liverpool never disappoints, whatever the weather.

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