things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


My blip pic today is obviously not swimming! I did go swimming to my gym though, they have a lovely big 25m pool. You need to book a session via an app and then you can stay in for an hour. It feels mostly safe if you pick a quiet time - which I do. 

In this pool, people don't just swim...they jog up and down, walk up and down and chat and generally do a few strange things that you wouldn't expect in a pool. 

Since the pool re-opened, people have just been swimming but this week, there has been the return of the walkers and joggers. I can see why people want to do this for exercise but...the pool has been split into 3 wide lanes and arrows point to the direction to swim. This is organised so you don't swim facing somebody - unsafe re breath etc.

Today, there was a big muscular chappie who pretty much annoyed people anywhere near him - me included, but I did move away and change lanes whenever possible. He insisted on just going up and down one side of lane and as he was also carrying weights up and down, he was huffing and puffing a fair bit. This meant that he was blowing his breath right at you if you were in certain places in two of the three lanes. 

A few people complained to the attendants but as they are quite young, this man didn't take any notice. I made a complaint when I went out at the reception. Hey ho, rant over! It makes a change from the weather though :) 

My blip is a view on the drive home from the gym, the murk had lifted even though it was still raining.

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