A view between different ears (Day 1935)

Off to Stromness to get out on the horses this morning. Although I knew we were meeting someone else, I had assumed I would be on George as usual. On the way through, my beautiful wife disabused me of the notion and informed me I would be riding Jeepers. I guess I need to practice on him, as he was fairly slow until we turned for home. Nice to see the world through his lugs though, and great to meet A, who seemed to really enjoy George.
Home for lunch and a wander with the woofers at Lyde, then back through to Stromness to put Bessie in with A's new hoss Berlin who is in need of a companion. He is a stunning hoss and it was lovely to see the pair of them in the field getting to know each other.
The weekend seems to have zoomed past in a blur of hoss stuff.

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