Today we thought we'd just go for a drive - the weather was unsettled, to say the least! We set off towards the Antrim coast and as we passed Whitehead I said we could go to Brown's Bay, haven't been there for ages. Brown's Bay is on Islandmagee, between Whitehead and Larne, Islandmagee is almost an island, but it's tethered, so to speak, by a small causeway of land. When we thought about it, we realised that it was at least 38 years since we were last there, it was definitely before we were married and we didn't visit on any of our trips back when we were living in Surrey. We did have a walk on the beach - a lovely, sandy beach with less than 10 other people there. I've added an extra of a young farmer on his John Deere tractor - he must have been about 2! But he was certainly in control of his motorised tractor and showing good sense in how he rode it, we were very impressed!
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