The Liberation Monument

Isn’t it funny that one minute you feel dreadful then you are invited somewhere and suddenly you’re fine!
My eye was really sore this morning; very light sensitive and despite taking paracetamol very painful.
Yet as soon as I got a message asking if I was able to backstop a walk this afternoon it started to improve. A couple of co-codamol and an ibuprofen helped a bit but getting out and doing works wonders. 
I backstopped for the Waking the Dead walk. I went on the walk 2 or 3 weeks ago but was happy to go again. 
The Liberation Monument  was jointly designed by Eric Snell, a local artist and David Le Conte a local man who worked for NASA and did the astronomical calculations so that on 9 May for the next few hundred (or is it thousand?) years the shadows will fall at the words describing specific events on the morning of Liberation Day 1945. Last year I checked that the shadows were falling correctly and confirm they were. David died a week or so ago at the age of I think, 80.

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